Crazy. So as I stepped into the CRC (Chicago Recording Company) studio downtown, I saw a bunch of people going into the place. Showed my face and said my name once, and then a woman I previously saw at an event said "I remember you, go on in", I mean I was like damn, that's status. So I brought my homie, john with me to show how the music industry is at music listening events, well Chicago that is. Place was packed!!! They had Red Bulls, liquor and females serving. It gave me an idea of how I sort of wanted to do some events in the future. So as I see familiar names coming in, I hear a few Rick Ross tracks that I like. Interesting, I think. I'm not gonna lie, Rick Ross got bitched by 50 cent, but his music speaks for himself, its some real Boss music. So then the music stops as I am near the back of the place and I knew it was just about to get hectic. I moved to the other side of the studio to not get squished to the point where people were rushing for pictures. So he comes out, I take a picture and john takes a picture too, one of them first people he got to.

Ross made his way to the studio room and faster then you can say "CURTIS!!" it was hazed with smoke. I didn't go into the room cause I can't stand smoke, but it seemed he and his people enjoyed the songs. So as me and my boy john realized we were hungry, we went to see what they had and realized they had some pizza. But as we guessed it, it was already gone. As the event seemed like it was about to be over, I heard this track with Kanye in it. His line had this classic rap "when I hit the club, girls get extra hype. When you step to the club, girls get extra tight. We know who's not getting no sex tonight!!!" wow Good to feel Ye is back.

Overall I think his album will do numbers just cause of the beef he got going wit Fiddy. It was a good event but just needed more food and less rain cause it was a pain swimming from UIC to get downtown with all that rain.
Feel free to disagree or what not but I just feel there should be more of a stance because of the actions 50 put out on Ross. But as i said before, his music speaks for itself, and its pretty good too.
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